The new Man of Steel trailer

The new Man of Steel trailer has been unleashed on the general public today. The new Superman flick, scheduled for summer 2013, seems sure to be a winner. Christopher Nolan produced it, and the trailer is awe inspiring. I am excited to see Kevin Costner playing Sup's Pop. It also seems to reveal a bit more of the story, if only a faint glimpse. Seems to be an origin story involving the military, maybe with Superman being very controversial and/or threatening to society. The special effects and overall tone gave me chills. The actor playing Superman, Henry Cavill, looks totally awesome in the suit. I love director Zach Snyder for his innovative direction of 300, the successful 2004 Dawn of the Dead, and the amazing epic comic book flick Watchmen. I love the music in the trailer, and the overall tone. It hits a very interesting emotional note and presents Superman as a sort of diety. It's a very interesting and intriguing interpretation of Superman that fits well with modern times. This trailer is very exciting.

The original Superman flick with Christopher Reeves is still very fun. I watched it earlier this year for the first time in some years. But, I predict that Man of Steel will be the Superman of the new generation and reignite the franchise and inspire fans the same way the latest Batman series has. This new trailer has washed away the bad taste in my heart left by the horribly mediocre Superman Returns from a few years ago. But, only time will tell if Man of Steel is more powerful than a locomotive. (Had to make that statement, and I'm not sorry.)

Check out the trailer and let me know what you think.


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