Oscar Predictions 2016

My predictions for Oscar wins are in bold.

Leave a comment with your own predictions or let know if I'm right or wrong!

Best Actor

Bryan Cranston - Trumbo
Matt Damon - The Martian
Leonardo Dicaprio - The Revenant
Michael Fassbender - Steve Jobs
Eddie Redmayne - The Danish Girl

Without a doubt, this is Leo's year!

Best Supporting Actor

Christian Bale - The Big Short
Tom Hardy - The Revenant
Mark Ruffalo - Spotlight
Mark Rylance - Bridge of Spies
Sylvester Stallone - Creed

Just give Stallone the trophy already!

Best Actress

Cate Blanchett - Carol
Brie Larson - Room
Jennifer Lawrence - Joy
Charlotte Rampling - 45 Years
Saoirse Ronan - Brooklyn

Very incredible and deserving. However, it could still be J.Law.

Best Supporting Actress

Jennifer Jason Leigh - The Hateful Eight
Rooney Mara - Carol
Rachel McAdams - Spotlight
Alicia Vikander - The Danish Girl
Kate Winslet - Steve Jobs

 I haven't seen The Hateful Eight, and this is totally just a guess, but she seems completely transformed in this role.

Best Animated Feature Film

Boy and the World
Inside Out
Shaun the Sheep
When Marnie Was There

There's some strong contenders here, but Inside Out outshines them.

Best Picture

The Big Short
Bridge of Spies
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
The Revenant

It's a tie!!! I think it will be The Revenant or Mad Max: Fury Road will win Best Picture. The thing is, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Mad Max: Fury Road. I also absolutely love Brooklyn and found it deeply moving. (Read my review of it in my prior post!) But, The Academy seems to almost always pick the gritty, grim, intense, detailed movies for Best Picture. Just consider No Country For Old Men, a grim (almost horror) film from the Cohen brothers. And Crash, Million Dollar Baby, The Departed, 12 Years a Slave...all these movies have a gritty edge. Sure, occasionally something odd like The Artist will win. But, I just feel deep down that The Revenant is that type of gruesome, intense, violent film that the Academy will be thrilled to reward. What do you think? Am I off? Will it be Mad Max? Neither of these two?


  1. No one could have predicted that Spotlight would win!


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