Batman Vs Superman Final Trailer

I don't like to post many reviews that aren't exactly movie reviews, but I believe this is a special circumstance.

Yesterday the world was blessed with the latest and final trailer from Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. At this point, it's no secret that Wonder Woman becomes a key player in the movie. And, some form of beast that is probably Doomsday made an appearance in the second trailer.

The very first trailer released for Batman Vs. Superman was fairly good. It had an ominous feel, a captivating tone, and just enough imagery to spark imaginations and speculations of nerds everywhere. ("The red capes are coming...")  Then, the second trailer was released, and I began to lose hope in this movie. Honestly, it was cheesy. Jesse Eisenberg, who plays Lex Luthor, had a totally cheesy scene where he introduces Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is driving some kind of 1920's cartoon car, and there's a scene at the end when Wonder Woman shows up in fabulously cheesy fashion, to which Superman and Batman say "Who is she?" "I thought she was with you." In my lowly opinion, this trailer was so bad that I put Superman Vs Batman: Dawn of Justice in the back of my mind as a throw-away popcorn movie. It seemed like the type of movie that was going to join the ranks of The Amazing Spider-man 2, or Fantastic Four. It looked like a cringe-worthy disaster flop waiting to be scathingly ripped apart by nerds the world over.

And at this point, I will be there opening night no matter what. Just the fact that Batman and Superman are in the same movie has suckered me out of my money.

But, then...

They dropped this new trailer, and is full of darkness, thrills, crazy incredible action, intriguing lines of dialogue, sprinkles of new possible plot points, and one amazing Batman scene at the beginning that brought out the excited inner 10 year old in me. Now, I have to live with this spark of hope that maybe Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice will have enough redeeming quality to good.

Decide for yourself by watching the trailer below and leaving a comment letting me know if you agree.


  1. I just can't wrap my head around it.... Don't know if I'll see it in the theater.

  2. I just can't wrap my head around it.... Don't know if I'll see it in the theater.

    1. LOL I think it's because I've read the comics as a kid, and a writer / illustrator named Frank Miller made the Superman vs Batman story an iconic classic. Much of the imagery in this new movie is taken directly from Frank Miller. That's good to me, even though my overall expectations of this movie are fairly low. I'm mostly just excited about the action, and the fighting.


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