Limitless: Now on DVD

my rating: 4 out of 5

Bradley Cooper plays Eddie Morra, a struggling New York writer who's down on his luck. He runs into his ex-brother-in-law on the street, and things take a turn for the best. His brother-in-law gives him a "free sample" of a pill developed by the pharmaceutical company where he currently works. Eddie takes the pill, unsure of its effects, and his life takes off.

The pill unlocks the untapped potential of the human brain, allowing the taker to become mentally sharper, access volumes more information than normal, and basically exceed the boundaries of normal human intellect. It isn't long, however, until Eddie gets caught up in the twists and turns of the pharmaceutical company's problems as he struggles to get more of the drug. He also makes lots of money working for a hedge fund manager played awesomely by Robert Deniro. It's nice to see him in anything.

Limitless is visually energetic, using color and movement to suggest what is going on in characters' minds. The story is satisfying and well-written. There's plenty of action, and psychological tension. Sure, there are a couple of things near the end that are a bit ridiculous. I won't tell you exactly what, but one choice the filmmakers made got a laugh from me. It was an utterly preposterous escape. Other than that, this movie was fantastic. You have to expect that it will be a bit cartoonish and over-the-top in places. But, that was part of the appeal for me.

Limitless is a grand, exciting, fast-paced and creative sci-fi action flick that I heartily recommend to anyone. There is some foul language, graphic violence, and use of imaginary drugs. Limitless is rated PG-13.


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