Cowboys & Aliens

my rating: 3 out of 5
Cowboys and Aliens is the latest movie directed by Iron Man director John Favreau. I mistakenly stated that Favreau directed Daredevil. I don't know why I thought that.
Cowboys & Aliens is a big, high-budget popcorn movie starring Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford. Daniel Craig plays Jake Lonergan, a bewildered and lost outlaw in the 1800s who finds himself alone in the desert. He has an alien space gun strapped to his left wrist, as shown on the poster. He doesn't know how it got there or where it came from. He embarks on a quest to discover some things about who he is and where he came from. Along the way, he meets some interesting folks, including cattle owner Woodrow Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford).
I won't give anything else up, but let's just say it's no surprise that the aliens begin to attack.
Cowboys & Aliens is a modern Saturday matinee, or drive-in type of movie. It's tough to speak of "performance" or "editing" or any other kind of technical accomplishment with much seriousness. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not saying I didn't like it. I'm just saying that this flick is what it is: a fun, loud, flash-in-the-pan. Ya got yer cowboys, and ya got yer aliens. What else do you want?
My only criticism is that it runs a bit long (118 mins). There are no big twists or turns, or any special surprises along the way. It's kind of a straight-forward plot that plods along at the speed of an average horse trot. Maybe I'm a spoiled modern audience member. But, Cowboys & Aliens, despite its interesting cast (Harrison, Sam Rockwell, Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde, etc.) and high budget, isn't anything too special.
If you like the western aspect of this movie, I recommend the modern version of 3:10 to Yuma, with Rusell Crowe, The new True Grit, or even the 1973 Clint Eastwood classic High Plains Drifter. These are all fantastic westerns, in my opinion. Cowboys & Aliens, happily, had many of the positive western elements of these movies.
If you like the alien aspect of this movie, I would recommend the alien thriller District 9 if you've never seen it. Or, even the newest Star Trek (2009) if you appreciate sci-fi.
That's what Cowboys & Aliens is. 3:10 to Yuma meets District 9. It is rated PG-13 for violence and foul language.


  1. I liked the film but I didn't love it. It seems like modern audiences don't appreciate any western that isn't just a straight forward take on the genre. I'm curious about how The Lone Ranger will do. I think it's coming out next year.

  2. New Lone Ranger??? Cool. I'll have to see that. Could be good.

  3. Armie Hammer or whatever his name is - the guy that played the Winklevoss twins in The Social Network - will play the Ranger and Johnny Depp is going to be Tonto. I think it's being directed by Gore Verbinski. Pretty sure it's Disney trying to launch a new Pirates type franchise.

  4. Wow. I'm not sure that would be my favorite movie ever, or anything, but it would be worth a watch. Johnny Depp can do no wrong.

  5. I liked the movie, apparently, it would be my favorite one as well..not sure. The acting was good. The direction was superb...All actors and co-actor played brilliant role..


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