3 Best Things about Breaking Bad Season - 5.2 Premiere Episode

Between the sacred trio of my three favorite shows: (Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and the Walking Dead), Breaking Bad consistently proves to be the most exhilarating in many ways.

1. The Final Scene             

Now that Hank has gotten a large promotion at the DEA, he has finally discovered Walt's secret. Noticing his "W.W" initials in a Walt Whitman book, Hank's world has come unraveled by realizing that his nerdy down-and-out brother-in-law Walter White is, indeed, the devil incarnate. With new found inspiration, Hank has dedicated himelf wholly to getting to the bottom of this suspicion.

The final scene of this episode is a confrontation between Hank and Walt in Hank's garage. After Walt discovers a GPS hidden on the bottom of his car, his instinct is to confront Hank. The scene is incredible. Starting awkward and tepid, things get nastly quickly. Hank's pent up rage boils out, as he slams Walt around the garage, shouting out all the vile things he's done. "Bombing a nursing home!" he shouts, slamming Walt against the garage door.

"I don't even know who I'm talking to" Hank explains in disgust. Walt's advice is direct. "If you don't know who you're talking to, maybe your best course of action would be to tread lightly."

2. Absolutely. Amazing. Arc.

As I speculate about where this is going, the reflection of Walt's progress is astounding since episode 1, Season 1. One graphic designer even created a color graph to track the clothing of each character throughout the seasons.
Click here to see the graph.

Walt was once a weak, downtrodden high school teacher. Now he is a legendary monster of the drug world. Whaaat??

3. Knowing this is the final season

All bad things must come to an end. I don't want this series to end. It has enthralled, entertained, and revolutionized my idea of what a television series can accomplish. Amazing action, great characters, and fascinating story. I can't wait to see what happens next.


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