Best Movies of 2012

The year seems to go by so fast now that we're at the end. However, looking back at all the movies released this year, it has actually been a very long, interesting year. We got The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers, and The Amazing Spider-Man in the same blockbuster summer. We also had to endure this annoying new trend of movie re-releases, with the excuse of "Oh, now it's in 3D." I mean, did anyone actually sit through The Phantom Menace again? I didn't. I've seen that movie so many times over the years that it puts me to sleep, so I think I'll save my $13. And, Disney has gotten in on the action, releasing Beauty and the Beast 3D back in January, then Finding Nemo 3D later in September, and Monsters Inc 3D comes out next week. What, Brave and Wreck-it-Ralph didn't bring in enough cash? We have to recycle this stuff? Titanic 3D also hit theaters this year, but I missed that one, too. I love that movie (see my "best of the 90's list), but I read that the 3D was somewhat lackluster, and I just didn't have time to go see it. One bright spot in movie re-releases was Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark in IMAX 3D. I thoroughly enjoyed that one.

I also really enjoy that the holiday season, beginning around late October through the end of the year, has become a new "summer" for the box office. I guess the Hollywood number crunchers realize that people go to the movies a lot during the holidays to catch a break from shopping and to relax. The Hobbit, Skyfall, Wreck -it-Wralph, Twilight, and Lincoln have anchored this holiday season in a monumental way. In the past, these would have all been summer movies. But, the summer weekends are probably getting too crowded with blockbuster hopefuls, so movie studios are opting to release their big investments during the more promising holiday season.

While we're on the subject of Twilight, Breaking Dawn part 2 saw the end of that series. (Excuse me for a second while I cheer in jubilation!) Maybe The Hunger Games series will replace it!

I also realize this list may be a tad early, with Jack Reacher, Les Mis,This is 40, and Django Unchained not even released yet. Django Unchained, Quenton Tarantino's newest flick, is being critically praised and is picking up Oscar buzz. 'Tis the season, I guess. Jack Reacher should be a good Tom Cruise action movie. Les Mis could go either way, with bold casting and elaborate production value. We'll see if this ambitious movie lives up to the beloved status this musical has earned over the years. (It always makes me think of high school theater auditions. ;-b  )   This is 40 looks good, too.

So, here's the list of my favorite movies from 2012:

10. Moonrise Kingdom
9. Frankenweenie
8. Looper
7. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
6. Skyfall
5. The Hunger Games
4. The Avengers
3. The Dark Knight Rises
2. Argo
1. Lincoln

So, the elaborate melodrama about Abrahalm Lincoln, directed by Steven Speilberg, ended up on top. What were your favorites this year? Did I leave any out? Did I put a piece of garbage on the list that doesn't belong there? Let me know!


  1. I've seen almost everything on your list except Argo and Looper, and I think mine would look pretty similar, if not in that order. Wreck-It-Ralph would beat out The Avengers for me though, even though I did enjoy the latter. And I'd probably put Brave on there as well.

  2. I've seen almost everything on your list except Argo and Looper, and I think mine would look pretty similar, if not in that order. Wreck-It-Ralph would beat out The Avengers for me though, even though I did enjoy the latter. And I'd probably put Brave on there as well.

  3. I've seen almost everything on your list except Argo and Looper, and I think mine would look pretty similar, if not in that order. Wreck-It-Ralph would beat out The Avengers for me though, even though I did enjoy the latter. And I'd probably put Brave on there as well.

  4. I've seen almost everything on your list except Argo and Looper, and I think mine would look pretty similar, if not in that order. Wreck-It-Ralph would beat out The Avengers for me though, even though I did enjoy the latter. And I'd probably put Brave on there as well.

  5. I've seen almost everything on your list except Argo and Looper, and I think mine would look pretty similar, if not in that order. Wreck-It-Ralph would beat out The Avengers for me though, even though I did enjoy the latter. And I'd probably put Brave on there as well.

  6. You owe it to yourself to see Argo! It's fantastic. And now, I need to add Les Miserables to the list, too. It's incredible. I didn't see wreck it Ralph, but I heard it was good. Brave didn't really do it for me.


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