The Amazing Spider-Man: A Sign of the Times

Rating: 3 out of 5

There is so much buzz and controversy surrounding this reboot. Many agree it was too soon. I think it was. And, there was a lot of Movie Studio politics fueling the decision to start from scratch, as well. Contract negotiations, hurt egos, tepid movie execs who were burnt by the Spiderman 3 backlash, blah blah blah.

Peter Parker, played by Andrew Garfield, is a much different teen than Tobey McGuire. He seems more detached, angry, secluded, and ditsy. He seems like a brat from the beginning, and his attitude seems hardly superhero worthy. Wasn't the old comic book Peter Parker a smart, accomplished science nerd? Both new movie franchises have abandoned that for a new, "dork" version of Peter Parker. Sure, the new Peter Parker helps uncle Ben around the house with things sometimes. But, he still seems like a goofy, skateboarding entitled nimrod most of the movie. And, once becoming Spider-Man with strong powers, he's motivated by an intense desire for revenge. It is more reminiscent of a villain than a hero. And sure, the point is that his character goes through an arc of change in which he decides to help others rather than pursue self-interest. But, for Gen. Y, that seems like a longer journey than in prior generations.

 Another problem is the strange lizard villain / mad scientist played by an actor named Rhys Ifans. He's no Willem Dafoe, and this is an awkard villain choice for the first Spidey movie. Much could have been redeemed with a powerful, interesting villain character to carry the story in a new direction. I think they were going for an Iron Man type villain, where the "good" partner turns evil. Only, in this movie, the turn to evil is never really explored or explained with any satisfaction.

I usually like Emma Stone. Scratch that: I always like Emma Stone. however, the love interest in this movie is the first time I've seen her act out of her element, even awkward. The chemistry between her and Peter Parker just isn't there, either. There is a scene in the high school hallway between her character and Peter that is supposed to be endearingly awkward. However, it is genuinely uncomfortable and cringe-worthy awkward.

Now, I'm not saying the new Spidey flick is a total disaster. It's just different in ways that I don't like. It's too dark, and too serious. The "fun" tongue-in-cheek style of Sam Raimi's Spiderman is long gone. The new Spidey is trying to be Batman Begins, or The Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton. Sadly, though, it falls short of both those.

All that being said, there are some positive moments in The Amazing Spider-Man. Some of the fight / action scenes are enjoyable and exciting. The suit looks cool. Sally Field, Martin Sheen, and Denis Leary are interesting and entertaining characters.

Why is this new Spidey movie a sign of the times? Andrew Garfield's Petey Parker is a reflection of a new generation. This Spidey movie has been out for a while now. If you haven't seen it, you should. I recommend it for a general viewing audience. I had fun. It ain't Gone With The Wind, but it's cool.


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