and the nominees are...

Ladies and gents, since I have the Oscars on my brain lately, I decided to give you my early "Best Picture" predictions. The real nominations won't be out for another month or so, but I couldn't resist putting together my list of potentials.

Bear in mind, these are not necessarily my "favorite" movies from this year, but rather a collection of "Oscar-style" nominees based on what the Academy as done in the past, and the types of movies they normally nominate. You know, flicks that just "seem" like Oscar nominees. So, here goes:

Ok, so maybe a couple of these are wishful thinking. What do you think?


  1. Amanda9:44 AM

    I feel like such a loser now. I haven't seen any of these except Harry Potter! Right now Midnight in Paris and Ides of March are on my list though. I do have to admit that Muppets blows my mind. What?!

  2. I have really wanted to see 50/50... did you like it?

  3. LOL confession time: the only ones on this list I've actually seen are Midnight In Paris (which is amazing) and Harry Potter. I'd like to see all of them, though. Except Tree of Life kind of looks like a waste of time. I haven't even seen the Muppets, but it could get nominated. Oh, wait...I saw Moneyball, too, when it first came out. It's really good.

  4. Even though some of these did not get nominated for Best Picture, many of them were nominated in other categories. Actually, I think that all of them were. Good job, Evan! Especially since you hadn't seen many of them yet. You know how to read the mind of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts.


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