Step Brothers

my rating: 3 out of 5

I am really torn between two and three stars here. I am traditionally a HUGE HUGE fan of Will Ferrell. I love Ron Burgundy, Talladega Nights, Elf, and similar Will Ferrell comedies. However, this one gave me reservations because of the crudeness. And, my reservations were totally justified. There are some really dirty jokes. I'm kind of torn between two and three stars. But, I'm going to go ahead with three stars because there are some jokes that have really stuck with me since I've seen it.

Will Ferrell and John C Reilly play fully grown, but juvenile and immature children who are forced to live together when their parents decide to get together. It is ridiculous, but hilarious. John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell are so utterly convincing as lazy clueless adult children that you really feel invested in these characters.

Mary Steenburgen plays the perfect over-nurturing mother. Richard Jenkins plays the father, and his performance is probably the best one in the whole movie. I kind of liked it, but I'm not going to tell my friends to see it with any enthusiasm. Watch the edited version on TV. It's more appropriate for the target audience.


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