The King's Speech: Now on DVD

The King's Speech is available on DVD this week. If you, your family, date, loved one, group of friends, or anyone in your sphere is looking for something to rent this weekend, look no further!

The King's Speech is based on the true story of King George VI of Britain struggling to find his voice, figuratively and literally. As he takes the throne somewhat unexpectedly, he must contend with years of speech problems in a time when the country desperately needs speech. He must overcome this adversity, and on a deadline.

If this all sounds contrived, just give it a chance. This movie will grip your interest, thrill you, surprise you, and have you hanging on to every scene. Colin Firth definitely deserved Best Actor, and The King's Speech was a surprising, but deserving, winner for Best Picture.

King George, played by Colin Firth, tries many methods to overcome his speech problems, even before assuming the throne. Being royalty gives him whole access to every manner of medical professional and wanna-be expert. None of their methods work, however, and George must continue to live with his nearly unbearable speech stuttering and stammering. When his wife Elizabeth, (played by Helena Bonham Carter), seeks out the help of an unorthodox speech therapist named Lionel Logue (played by Geoffery Rush), things change for young George. As friendship forge, relationships merge, secrets are revealed, and tensions grow as thick as banana pudding, we learn the value of good writing, directing, and editing.

Now, I'm well aware that the average movie-goer doesn't say, "Hey, Scream 4 is out! We should go watch it so we can check out the editing!" But, trust me, The King's Speech has all the right elements in the right place, and anyone can enjoy it.

A quick warning for families who want to watch The King's Speech: I do not particularly like profanity. I don't use it in my personal life, and I don't like it very much in movies. In this movie, certain profanities are used as a speech tool (and as comedy for the movie). This is somewhat offensive and inappropriate for younger viewers.

My rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Now available on DVD :)


  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I really enjoyed this film for its artistry. Although I love popcorn movies, sometimes I want to go and see something a little more sophisticated. This was one of the many 2010 movies that met this need for me. I would recommend it, but like Evan said, not for children under 18.


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