Sin City

Two nights ago I watched Sin City through my Netflix rental. I have to say, I was wary about it because I heard about its violence. I knew there were controversial elements in it. But, I'm here to tell you, Sin City is absolutely incredible.

Just imagine the late 90's science fiction thriller Dark City, throw in a twist of Pulp Fiction, add Benicio Del Toro, and you've got Sin City. Despite being somewhat grim, it's still fun. It's fun because the characters are exaggerated graphic novel cartoons. The special effects are top notch. The cast is great. And, my friends, there's the writing.

The best element of this film is the writing. Frank Miller and Quentin Tarantino really outdid themselves. I can't tell you the last time I saw a film, and I genuinely didn't know what was going to happen next. It really had me on the edge of my seat. I kept looking for predictable cliches, but there are none here. It was a delight being taken to the edge of reality, not knowing where this story would take me. As each scene unraveled, it was entertaining, unique, exciting, and enthralling.

Bruce Willis, Benicio Del Toro, and Jessica Alba are the real stars. Clive Owen gives what I consider to be an Oscar-Worthy performance.

True, it is incredibly violent. The good news is, most of it is in black and white. So, "blood" does not appear so...."bloody." You definitely want to keep kids away. Even though it's based on a graphic novel, it's still fairly hardcore.

4 out of 5 for entertainment value, creative writing, wonderful graphic novel tone, awesome performances, and engaging action!

Click here for the official web site.


  1. I'm glad to read your review. I was very hesitant to see it. I assumed that it probably wasn't very good at all and was pretty clear that I didn't want to see it. I thought it would be cliche and cheesy. I'll have to check it out now though.

  2. Thanks for the rave review. Now maybe I can convince Nicole to see it.


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