King Kong

Clocking in at just over three hours, the new King Kong epic by Peter Jackson may drudge up flashbacks of the Lord of the Rings theater experience. It is definitely sprawling, imaginative, and relentless in its pursuit to entertain and pay tribute to the original King Kong. Successfully, the crew tried to do everything in this one film. Action, romance, laughter, tears. All the cliche Hollywood movie emotions are jam-packed into three hours. They certainly pulled no punches.

When I saw it, I was sitting in a beautiful new theater, about three or four rows from the front. The screen was not IMAX, but it took up almost my entire scope of vision. That's what makes a movie like this fun. It is designed to be enjoyed in a movie theater, with your friends, with a mouth stuffed with popcorn. And, it delivers that and more.

The thing that surprised me most about this film, besides the incredible length, was the depth of creativity. The variety of dangerous creatures, and varying elements. The amount of heart put into this film is enormous, too. Peter Jackson really poured himself into this one, as much as any project he's done in the past.

Naomi Watts, Adrien Brody, and Jack Black are a stellar cast. They were born for their roles. This King Kong film may just be their ticket to the A-list of Hollywood. Brody, who won an Oscar a few years back, is now finally reaping some reward from that (career-wise). And Jack Black is no longer boxed in as the oddball funny rocker. He is a legitimate actor now. Naomi Watts may be on her way to reaching Nicole Kidman status: Hollywood royalty.

But what it does for their careers is only a by-product of how fantastic this movie is. The fantasy elements, mixed with old Hollywood glamour, are a great combo. Add that with Peter Jackson scary creatures, and you've got something. I was reeling out of the theatre, my mind boggled by the bigger-than-life scope of this film. And, the bigger-than-life heart it displays.

my rating: 4 out of 5

Click here for the official movie site.


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